Wednesday 1 June 2011

Appendix 6

Read the rhyme.

Iddy, the Kid.

Big kid Iddy,
Big kid Iddy,
Skips up the hill.
Big kid Iddy,
Big kid Iddy.
Falls into a pit.

Little boy Zaki,
Little boy Zaki,
Helps big Iddy.
Gives Iddy a drink,
Gives Iddy a drink,
Iddy is fit.

Zaki and Iddy,
Zaki and Iddy,
Skip down the hill,
Skip down the hill,

Appendix 5

Fill in the blanks correctly.

1. Its name is ____________.

It is ______________.

________ is black.

2. Zaki and Iddy ___________ up a __________.

3. __________ falls into a _________.

4. Zaki gives Iddy a _________. Iddy takes a _________.